Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel


Reference: C3.5

Question Title

Laundry Room Review

Date question raised


Week of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

3 stars – city wide

Deadline for officer response

9am on 19th January

Name of officer responding

Hilary Edgar

Officer job title

Housing Service Operations Manager

Resident Question


Residents are concerned that a review of the laundries is taking place without the involvement of Resident Associations and residents who use the laundries.


Residents have ideas about the management and future of the laundries in their blocks and would like these to be listened to and considered before any proposals are put forward by the Council.

Action requested:

Ask for a report:

a.    Is there a review of the laundries in progress?

b.    What plans are there to involve residents in this? 

Officer Response

Officer contact details:

Officer Response:

Thank you for your interest in the council’s laundries.  The current contract for laundry provision in general needs housing is due to end in July this year; this will not affect laundries in seniors’ housing.  We are considering options for the future of this service and are interested in hearing residents’ views.  A report on this will be presented at the next round of Area Panel meetings.


Report to Area Panels

Start date:


End date:
